Income verification
Accurately confirm your customer's income in seconds with Atto's income verification engine.

View income in real-time
Access all the data you need on a customer's income to make the most informed credit risk decisions across the entire lifecycle.

More income data. Better decisions.
Lenders choose Atto to fill the gaps in their income assessment process; to bring colour to data that was black and white.
Calculate income
Atto's calculated income figure uses a unique set of algorithms, so you can quickly verify how much your customer earns.
Confidence score
Atto's confidence score help you understand the variance and stability of the customer's earnings each month.
Income streams
Get visibility of your customer’s income across all income streams, whether it’s salaried wages, freelance earnings or benefits.
Income filtering
Atto's filtering tools allow you to easily view scores for each income stream and determine which are appropriate for your decision.
365 days of data
Get a comprehensive view on your customer's income with access to data from the previous 365 days, with the ability to refresh for a further 90 days.
Benefits & support
View income from benefits & support payments alongside other income sources. Select the income streams that are in line with your risk appetite.
Use transaction data from any source
Input transaction data from any source. If you already have a data set, or currently access open banking data, plug in to our income verification engine and we'll return the income data you need to make confident decisions.

Atto insights
Understand how your customer’s spend, save and earn their money with real-time insights.
Browse our platform
Our platform
Atto's platform gives you all the tools you need to capture consent, access transaction data and view detailed insights on your customer's financial behaviours.

Better informed decisions across the credit risk lifecycle
Credit risk decisioning
Understand customer affordability and creditworthiness in real-time.

Risk modelling
Enhance predictive models with real-time open banking data for a significant uplift in performance.