An accurate, real-time view of your customer's financial data, enriched with intelligent credit & risk insights.

View customer insights in one dashboard
The dashboard is a seamless interface, giving you access to an end user's real-time transaction data, alongside our suite of insights.
Access categorised transactions and insights on affordability, income, cashflow, financial distress, and more, on one easy-to-use interface.

Better quality data. Better quality portfolio.
Lenders choose Atto to fill the gaps in their traditional prediction models; to bring colour to data that was black and white.
View transactions
View up to 12 months of transactions from every customer who has consented. Customer transactions are enriched with information on how and where they spend.
View customer insights
View all our financial insights in one place. Insights on income, predictive cashflow, affordability, categorisation, and more, are available to view in the dashboard.
Download statements
We provide a normalised bank-branded statement in PDF format for current, credit and savings accounts, that can be downloaded from the dashboard.
Data refresh
Where a consent is still valid, typically up to 90 days after consent, trigger a data refresh to have access to the latest customer insights.
Send requests
Send consent requests to customers directly from the dashboard. After consent is provided view customers financial behaviours.
Consent management
The consent management tab gives visibility on consents that are due to expire. Trigger data refreshes or send another consent request.
Better informed decisions across the credit risk lifecycle
Credit risk decisioning
Understand customer affordability and creditworthiness in real-time.

Risk modelling
Enhance predictive models with real-time open banking data for a significant uplift in performance.

Atto insights
Understand how your customer’s spend, save and earn their money with real-time insights.